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But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory now and to the day of eternity.

-2 Peter 3:18


What is Adult Faith Formation?

Adult Faith Formation at our parish consists of opportunities throughout the year  for ALL adults to deepen their faith, and to enrich their relationships with God and the Church community.


Why is Adult Faith Formation important for all Catholics?

Most Catholics have a solid foundation of religious education from childhood, either through Catholic School, or through parish programs. However, as we become adults, we may wish to update and expand on that foundation to be relevant to our adult lives and situations. In many areas of our lives, we spend time preparing – for adulthood, for a career, for a marriage – but then we also spend time to renew our commitments, to learn new skills, and to deepen our knowledge of our field. Our faith also benefits from updating of our knowledge, skills, and commitments.


What if I can’t find time for weekly classes?

While we do offer weekly prayer and Scripture discussion opportunities, you are welcome to join us whenever you can – no commitment necessary. We also offer several mini-series throughout the year, which run once a week for four to six weeks, but even those do not require a firm commitment – come whenever your schedule allows. And some of our offerings are single-day events.


Are they all just classes or lectures?

Certainly not! We have evenings of reflection, scripture studies, and book discussions – all of which include lots of conversation with short talks by excellent speakers. We have short prayer services and day-long retreats. We have an annual icon painting workshop, and occasional Family Faith Formation Days – all very active, hands-on, experiences. 


How do I find out about events and opportunities?

Our parish bulletin is the best source of information about upcoming events. Most are offered at no cost, but an RSVP is requested so that we have enough seating, materials, and refreshments arranged. Please join us!


T (212) 288-6250

F (212) 570-1562​


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© 2025 The Roman Catholic Parish of St. Monica, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Stephen of Hungary. All rights reserved.

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