And when Paul laid [his] hands on them, the holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
- Acts 19:6

In the Rite of Baptism, we become new members of the Body of Christ, but our journey does not end there. The decision to be baptized is followed by continued growth, learning, and witness as members of the Body of Christ. Our desire to continue to grow and develop as Christians finds expression in Confirmation, when we renew our baptismal promises and receive in a new way the gift of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens our “bond” with the Church and its members. The relationship of the bishop (who presides over the Rite of Confirmation) with the church community in a given area reminds us of our connection to the larger community of the Church, which is global. Sealing with the gift of the Spirit at Confirmation strengthens us for ongoing service in the Body of Christ in the Church and in the world. It prepares us to be active participants in the Church’s mission and to “bear witness to the Christian faith in words accompanied by deeds” (CCC, no. 1316).
In our parish, teens are normally confirmed in the eighth grade, and preparation occurs over seventh and eigth grade in our parish religious education program or in a Catholic school. For adults who have been baptized in the Catholic faith but are not yet confirmed, participation in our parish adult initiation process prepares one for this sacrament.