The Parish Council of St. Monica, St. Elizabeth of Hungary and St. Stephen of Hungary is an advisory group, pastoral in nature, organized to support our pastor, Fr. Donald Baker in the apostolic work of the parish. We strive for unity while recognizing diversity. We are grounded in prayer, discernment, parish and community needs and wants, and take seriously the viewpoints of others. We engage in lively discussion, encourage thinking out-of-the box, and strive to provide inclusive community events, such as, the community Christmas Caroling and Cookie feast.
The Parish Council is comprised of thirteen men and women each serving a two-year term. We are looking for new parish council members who will commit their time, talent, and wisdom in a consultative and collaborative fashion. Typically, we meet in the parish center on the third Wednesday evening of each month from 7 PM to 8:30 PM.

Father Baker blessing the 2023-2024 Parish Council, September 2023
Monthly Meeting Minutes
The Parish Council met on January 22, 2025, and discussed the following:
The Christmas midnight mass was moved to 10:00 PM and the attendance was significantly larger, about 475 people. Overall, we had good attendance at Christmas.
The approximately 450 holiday cards that were made for the Upper East Side Nursing & Rehabilitation Center were delivered. Discussion was had as to how to continue to serve them and expand to other rehabilitation/nursing homes in the neighborhood.
Fr. Joslin will attend the masses on the last weekend of January. There will be a special collection for him to purchase bibles for his ministry in Africa.
Discussed how we could help people affected by the LA wildfires. There will be a second collection for them on the first weekend in February. We chose to focus our help on the people of Altadena as they are working class, and so many lost everything including their livelihoods. We thought the best way to give was through St. Elizabeth’s of Hungary in Altadena, they will give it directly to their parishioners. When Fr. Baker spoke to St. Elizabeth’s, he was heartbroken hearing about their losses.
Our Annual Parish Retreat will be held on Saturday morning, April 12th (Palm Sunday weekend) in the church. Fr. Francis Gargani, CSsR will be the presenter. The theme is the same as our banner, “All are welcome in this place. Welcome home.” Coffee and snacks will be from 8:30-9:00 AM; the retreat begins at 9:00 AM and ends with the noon mass.
The Green Team is developing and will publish a Lenten “Care for Creation” calendar with spiritual, environmental and social justice reflections and actions, including practical tips on sustainability. They will also conduct a sale of green/eco-friendly bags in early March at the Church. Proceeds (after cost) are earmarked for St. Elizabeth of Hungary- Altadena.
Fr. Baker continued to discuss the final capital projects (church roofs and parish hall), and finalizing the capital campaign, “Together on Holy Ground.” We will start with a silent campaign and then expand.
The Parish Council met on December 18, 2024, and discussed the following:
As part of our continued community outreach, we made holiday cards for the Eastside Rehabilitation and Nursing Center on 79th St; they will be delivered before Christmas. The cards were made by volunteers who came to the Parish Center and the students at St. Stephen’s school.
The Bake Sale to raise money for all the ministries was successful, raising approximately $1,400. We appreciate all those who baked and the stores that donated.
Our annual Christmas Caroling followed by Cookies and Hot Cocoa was well attended and many new people joined in the festivities.
The Prime Time Christmas lunch was enjoyed by all with 32 attending, and included Christmas Caroling and a raffle.
Upcoming monthly distributions for Liz’s Pantry will be on December 21st and January 25th.
Fr Baker continued to discuss the two final large capital projects for which we will conduct a capital campaign:
We are looking to start the church’s new roofs (main and sides) in the early part of next year (2025).
We hired a consultant firm to help with the Parish Hall. It is a multi-year project to make it structurally sound, renovate and install a handicapped accessible elevator.
The Parish Council met on November 20, 2024, and discussed the following:
Liz’s pantry monthly distribution will be on Sat 11/23. The pantry’s next monthly distribution is 12/21.
The Green Team is planning to bring back the green bags that were so popular before Covid. They are practical, folding very small making them easy to carry.
A Bake Sale to raise money for the various ministries will be held on Sunday 11/24 after 10:00 AM and 12 noon Masses. In addition to parishioners, many local stores are donating baked goods.
Ministry month was successful, we had many adults and children sign up.
St Stephen’s school recently had two open houses for prospective students. They were both well attended.
Tickets to attend the Thanksgiving Dinner on Nov 28th at St Stephen’s school are sold out but there are still tickets for a takeout meal. Plans for the event are going well.
On Saturday, November 30, we are meeting in the Parish Center to make Christmas cards for our local rehabilitation and nursing center.
On Sunday December 15th at 3:00 we will be have our annual Christmas Caroling followed by Cookies and Hot Cocoa in the church.
Fr Baker discussed the two final large capital projects for which we will conduct a capital campaign:
The church needs a new main roof as well as the two side roofs. We are looking to start this project in the early part of next year.
The Parish Hall needs to be renovated and is currently not structurally safe. Ideally this would be completed in time for St Monica’s 150th anniversary and St Stephen’s School’s 100th anniversary (2028-2029) to accommodate celebrations.
The Parish Council met on October 30, 2024, and discussed the following
These are the minutes from the Parish Council’s meeting on October 30, 2024. More events are listed in the bulletin and website.
Feast Day/ International Food Festival recap – it was very well attended and successful!
More than 80 people attended the History of Yorkville; people enjoyed the presentation.
This year’s Parish Theme Banner arrived and will be hung on the front of the church at the beginning of Advent: “All Are Welcome in This Place. Welcome Home”
Jennifer DeSpirito gave a year-end financial update. We are planning for two big projects next year: 1) repair/replace the church roof (top and both side roofs) and 2) renovate the Parish Hall and include an elevator. It will be necessary to have a capital campaign.
Our community outreach is underway with the opening of Liz’s pantry on Sat 10/26. While not many people came, those that did were grateful and it made a difference. The pantry’s next monthly distribution is 11/23.
The Green Team is planning for next year’s celebration of the 10 th anniversary of the Season of Creation - Laudato Si’. They are connecting with other parishes.
A Bake Sale to raise money for the various ministries will be held on Sunday 11/24 after the 10:00AM and 12 noon Masses, and before the 3:00 Concert.
The first monthly French Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 on Sunday 11/10.
The Parish Council met on September 25, 2024, and discussed the following
This was first meeting of the 2024-2025 council. More events are listed in the bulletin and website.
Elections were held, results were:
Chairperson – Bob Flanigan
Vice-chairperson - Pat Werner
Secretary – Marybeth Whyte
We agreed on this year’s parish theme:
All Are Welcome in This Place. Welcome Home.
Feast Day/ International Food Festival update
We are welcoming the French community and will have 8 French priests co-celebrating Mass.
We are expecting more people than last year, maybe 550. Volunteers will decorate the church on Saturday and volunteers will help with the food on Sunday.
Green Team – on Sunday 10/6 will meet after the noon Mass for the Laudato Si’ prayer walk in Central Park. There will be readings and an hour of reflection on our Care for Creation.
History of Yorkville – Saturday Oct 19th @ 1:00 in St. Stephen’s Auditorium
Liz’s Pantry – Sat Oct 26th will be the first monthly food bank at the Parish Center at 10:00AM. We will be able to distribute 1 bag of food to 100 people. There will be a second collection on Sundays for funding until we can get grants.
Prime Time – (formerly Senior Ministry) hosts weekly speakers/events generally at the parish center – schedule is on the website. There will be information provided on the resources offered to seniors by Medicare and NYC and other neighborhood associations. Anyone over 50 is invited to attend.
Fr. Baker discussed how we are welcoming the French Community into our parish. The French priests are bringing A Roman Missal and a Lectionary, two books essential for the celebration of Mass, from France as a gift to our parish for welcoming the French community here.
The Parish Council met on May 22, 2024, and discussed the following:
Meeting began with a brief introduction of the Council’s history and its commitment to serve, share ideas, encourage volunteers, and embrace those seeking a spiritual home. Members should attend at least seven of ten meetings and there is a two year commitment with an option to remain for a third year. Currently there are thirteen members.
Jan Colucci was introduced as a prospective parish council member. She expressed her interest in joining the parish council to help educate children. Consensus was to accept her nomination.
Giola DellaRossa, Victoria Long, Karen Wendelken, and Jan Colucci will be new parish council members for the 2024/2025 term.
A BBQ is planned on June 19 as the end-of-year parish council meeting, at which the new members are welcomed.
The Green Team is doing administrative maintenance, planning a prayer walk, and a museum event at the Asia Society. A meeting is scheduled in the fall on October 4 to learn about the team and best practices.
Fr. Michael Holleran, a priest who served the French community at Notre Dame, will be coming to live with us in retirement as of September 1. The French community is also coming, and beginning in the fall, there will be a French Mass most likely every Sunday at 7:00 PM.
A defibrillator is now located in the back of the church in case of an emergency.
Fr. Baker reported that the rectory was robbed May 10. The police were called; no one was hurt. Security measures have been implemented.
The demolition of St. Elizabeth of Hungary has begun. Some artifacts (the altar candles, the sanctuary lamp) will be brought over for use at the Church of St. Monica.
Sara Miles, the author of the book, “Take This Bread” will be coming to speak in October. This book describes her conversion and her founding of a food pantry in her church in San Francisco. It is meant to coincide with the beginning of our own food pantry in October.
The Parish Council met on April 24, 2024, and discussed the following:
The meeting began with introductions.
Father Baker then reviewed how the Parish council was formed when the three parishes merged. Originally it brought people from the merged parishes together to shepherd the merger process. Later its focus shifted to pastoral planning: i.e. recognizing the needs of the parish community and designing programs to meet them.
Giola DellaRossa, Victoria Long, Karen Wendelken were introduced as prospective parish council members. They expressed their reasons for interest in joining the council; curiosity, giving back, being connected, interest in events, spirituality, volunteering. creating an inclusive, welcoming parish, offering service in our community. Everyone’s talents were a good fit. Responses were honest. Consensus was to accept all three nominations.
The Parish Retreat was reviewed. There was good participation and turn-out with Father Tony Ciorra on Saturday, March 23. Sound quality was low, and it was difficult to hear. A recommendation was made to order new microphones, and to request the participants to sit further forward. Fr. Francis Gargani has accepted the invitation to present at the retreat next year, Saturday, April 12, 2025.
Green Team activities were discussed. The April 7 Earth Day composting event presented by GrowNYC was educational and successful. There was good attendance and interest in membership. Bins for scraps were explained, as composting becomes a focus in NYC recycling efforts.
Sourcing Volunteers for Ministries was discussed. Suggestions were made to recruit volunteers for current and future events as part of a future Parish Association. Taryn has been collecting contacts and a list of possible volunteers is begin drawn up.
Pastor Notes. Fr. Baker reported:
Holy Week and Easter went well, thanks to good music program and volunteers.
The Social Justice Committee met to discuss the book Take This Bread by Sara Miles, and setting up a food pantry is in progress. The Archdiocese of New York will advise what they can and cannot offer. Father Baker will invite Sara Miles to come to speak.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church has been sold by the Archdiocese of New York. The sale was delayed following the merger due to a petition to Rome for Its reopening. The development of the church property will benefit the merged parish, and relieve it of the burden of caring for the church building which has sat empty since 2015.
The Parish Council met on February 28, 2024, and discussed the following:
Our Annual Parish Retreat Day will take place on Saturday, March 23 from 8:30 AM through the 12PM mass. All adults are welcome to prepare for Holy Week with this morning of reflection. Our presenter will be Fr. Tony Ciorra, and the theme is “Lord, Make us Instruments of Your Peace.”
Green Team/Social Justice. On Sunday, April 7, a compost event will discuss compost and recycling tips led by Grow NYC
Hope Walk/Community Outreach. St. Francis de Sales’ program meets bi-weekly, making and distributing sandwiches. St. Stephen alumni are involved.
Bylaws, Parish Council Member Terms. Election procedures and optional third-year terms will be discussed.
Potential New Parish Council Members. A search for new candidates will be supported by a social event after Mass, getting volunteers to sign up for events such as the International Food Festival and more.
Pastor Notes:
Parish and the School are collaborating on new ways to involve students in Masses.
Theology Thursday is a success with a surge in attendance.
The Senior Ministry will be seeking new leadership in the fall.
A food pantry is being established; Catholic Charities will provide the food.
The Parish Association will be seeking volunteers to participate in the Parish event
The Parish Council met on January 24, 2024, and discussed the following:
• Christmas Caroling, Cookies, and Cocoa: The event was a success. The Parish Council discussed potential changes for the 2024 event.
• Annual Parish Retreat: The retreat will be held on March 23, 2024. The Parish Council is working on programming and plans for publicizing the retreat.
• Green Team/Social Justice: The Parish Council was updated on the committees’ plans and coordination with local parishes.
• By-Laws/Member Terms: The Parish Council discussed updates to Council by-laws and recruiting new members.
• First Aid Kits: The Parish Council is working to upgrade the first aid kit on-site at St. Monica Church.
• Father Baker updated the Parish Council on the new Parish Association, the new banner in front of the church, and local community outreach plans.
The Parish Council met on December 13, 2023, and discussed the following:
Christmas caroling, cookies and cocoa planned for December 17, 2023, Volunteers, tables, and Santa's cookie workshop are scheduled. Nut free and gluten-free treats will be served.
Green Team/Social Justice. Meeting on December 6 discussed collaborating with other parishes and organizations and learning what other parishes are doing.
Thanksgiving dinner was a success.
The Parish Council met on November 15, 2023 and discussed the following:
New minutes approval procedure for quicker turn-around so minutes can appear in church bulletin.
Parish year-end financial report review with Jenn DeSpirito.
Thanksgiving dinner update by Roz Panepento. Dinner is scheduled at St. Stephen of Hungary Church auditorium on November 23, 2023. Final set-up and volunteering details discussed. Local businesses are appreciated for their generous support.
Social Justice and Green Team: Environmental and social justice groups will merge to form a single ministry. This is based on the interconnectedness of planet and people and the alignment with Laudato Si’, Pope Francis's encyclical on Care for Our Common Home. The inaugural joint meeting will take place on December 6, 2023.
Christmas caroling, cookies and cocoa planned for December 17, 2023.
Christmas meeting/potluck dinner being planned.
New Business—The Parishioners Association
The Parish Council met on October 25, 2023, and discussed the following:
· The Parish Theme for 2023/2024 will be “Make Us a Channel of Your Peace.” A banner will be created and hung on the façade of the church.
· Parish Thanksgiving Dinner is scheduled for November 23, 2023, and will be held in St. Stephen of Hungary School auditorium. Click here for details.
· A Social Justice Ministry Meeting will be held on November 8, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. Click here for details.
· Green Team October film screening was well-received.
New Business:
o November 11, 2023 - Faith Formation Day at Fordham.
o March 23, 2024 - Parish Retreat in the morning; speakers are being explored.
Pastor's Notes:
o November 4, 2023: Bereavement retreat in the church.
o The church bulletin will have a new design.
o Relocated refugee seekers program is seeking religious organizations to help refugees settle and address various issues such as housing, jobs, etc.
o Sacristy space has been renovated.
o Families hosting German students was a positive experience for both the students and the host families.
o Second Sunday Social had 25 people and will return in the Spring.
o Fr. Baker will do a German/Yorkville walking tour in the Spring.
o Theology Thursday continues.
o In Advent, evening prayer will resume.
o Senior Ministry is seeking volunteers.
o St. Stephen of Hungary School won the National Blue Ribbon School Award and will be honored in Washington, D.C. in November. The school is planning a Capital Campaign.
o Monica's Ark, the children’s quiet space in the back of the church has opened and is much appreciated by families with children.