Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them;
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
- Matthew 19:14
Religious Education for Grades K-8

About our Program
Parents are the primary catechists of their children.
At your child’s baptism, you promised to raise him/her in the faith. Our parish Religious Education program is here to assist you in that responsibility. Families should be praying together at home and practicing their faith together throughout the week.
In addition to the regular Religious Education curriculum covered on Sunday mornings, sacramental preparation involves the entire family. Material is sent home during sacramental years, and participation in family faith formation events throughout the year is expected.
Family participation in Sunday Eucharist is essential.
The Eucharist, celebrated on the Christian Sabbath, is THE central action of the Catholic Church. Families lead busy lives, but Sunday Mass (or Saturday evening) should be a part of each family’s intentional weekly scheduling. It is that important! It is also the single most important part of preparation for sacraments.
By first grade, children should be expected to be attentive at Mass, and with guidance from their parents and older siblings, be learning parts of the Mass, prayer responses, and prayer postures (sitting, standing, kneeling). They learn these by imitating the participation of their family members at Mass, and by listening attentively to the prayers and readings. Singing is also an important part of communal prayer, and children often learn songs before they learn spoken prayers.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word will be offered during the 10am Family-Friendly Sunday Mass.
Children ages 3-7 will begin Mass with their families as usual. Prior to the First Reading, they will be sent forth with their catechists for an age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word Celebration in the parish hall. Following the Prayers of the Faithful, they will be brought back upstairs and sent back to their families for the remainder of Mass.
Religious Education sessions are on Sunday mornings, between the 10am Mass and the 12noon Mass.
Sessions will be held in person, live, in the parish center (406 E 80th Street), beginning at 11:10am, and ending at 11:55am. We will utilize Zoom for Religious Education only if necessary (e.g. pandemic resurgence or snow days.)
The brevity of sessions is to allow for participation in any Saturday evening or Sunday Eucharist. Please be on time when possible.
Regular attendance is important, and it is considered for readiness for the reception of sacraments. If your child is ill, or for some other reason unable to join us, please let us know so that we can help your child stay caught up on the material.
Family Faith Formation will be held six times a year, usually on a Saturday afternoon. On those weekends, there will be no Sunday morning sessions.
Parish Religious Education Registration is now open online!
Click on the registration link
Complete a registration for each child
Make payment online with a credit card, or drop off a check at the parish center (payable to “St. Monica Church” and marked for religious education.)
In-person registration is also available at the parish center.
New registrations must be accompanied by a copy of the child’s baptismal certificate.
All registrations completed and paid by July 4 will be at the current fee scale. Registrations/payments received after July 4 will be at an increased rate.
Please remember that the Archdiocese of New York requires a minimum of two years of religious education (or Catholic School) prior to the reception of First Communion, and two additional years prior to the reception of Confirmation. Ideally children are enrolled for all of Kindergarten through 8th grade.
First Penance and First Communion are normally celebrated in second grade, and Confirmation during eighth grade.
Religious Education is offered on Sunday mornings between the 10am and 12noon Masses. Participation in Sunday (or Saturday evening) Eucharist as a family is expected, as it is an essential part of faith formation!
Please contact Maryann Tyrer, Pastoral Associate for Christian Formation, at mtyrer@stelmo79.org with any questions.
Adult Faith Formation opportunities are offered throughout the year.
Faith formation is a life-long journey, and our parish offers many different events and programs for adults to learn about, discuss, and grow in their own faith. Look for such opportunities on our website or parish bulletin.
Want to get involved?
We often need volunteers as catechists or assistants, substitutes or greeters. Volunteers can serve as little as one Sunday a month, or on a weekly basis. See the Pastoral Associate for more information. All volunteers in the religious education program are interviewed, and must submit to a background check.
to our children and teens who celebrated
First Communions and Confirmations earlier this month!
A special thank you to all those who made the liturgical celebrations so special!